7 ~ Ornamental Plants That Don't Need Light

Collecting ornamental plants is a trend in the midst of the Corona pandemic. Are you among those who try this hobby? For those of you who are looking for ornamental plants that don't need a lot of sunlight, here are the recommendations.
This ornamental plant that only requires a little light is suitable for those of you who have a house with not too many windows or even minimal sunlight. Lack of sunlight into your house does not mean an obstacle to caring for ornamental plants.
These indoor plants that only need a little sunlight are easy to care for. There are even some houseplants that do better in dim lighting.
Also read: Bathroom Decor with indoor plants
Ornamental Plants That Don't Need Much Sunlight
As a recommendation, here are seven ornamental plants that don't need a lot of sun or can grow in dim places.
1. Tongue-in-law

Ornamental plant lovers must be familiar with this one ornamental plant, tongue-in-law or Sanseviera. The tongue-in-law plant has another name for the snake plant because of its tall, thin leaves. In addition, another characteristic of the tongue-in-law is that it has flowers that look like lilies.
Sanseviera is a plant that does not need a lot of sun. And the bonus is, this plant can also clean the house air because it releases oxygen at night.
2. Peace Lily
Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum sp including types of plants that can grow in humid places. This ornamental plant that does not need a lot of sunlight is characterized by large white flowers.
Besides being able to grow in low light, Peace Lily can also be an air purifier. This plant can eliminate benzene and formaldehyde toxins.
3. Betel Gading

One type of ornamental plant that does not need much sun is betel ivory or Devil's Ivy. The name may sound scary 'devil's', but in fact this plant has many benefits and is easy to care for.
Betel ivory or Devil's Ivy is a type of vine but can also be placed in a pot. The benefits of putting this plant in the house besides beautifying the room can absorb toxins so that the air becomes cleaner.
4. Dollar Tree

Zamioculcas zamiifolia or in Indonesia known as the dollar tree is a plant that can live in low light conditions. This plant has several other names, namely ZZ or zanzibar gem.
This plant, which has a shiny green color, went viral because a hoax was thought to cause cancer in 2016. In fact, the dollar tree is not a cancer-causing plant.
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) researcher Deden Mudiana said this plant belongs to the Araceae (taro) ethnic group with the Latin name Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Lodd.) Engl. Generally, the taro family usually contains oxalate compounds in plant body parts. Oxalate compounds are not carcinogenic compounds that cause cancer.
"The content of this compound (oxalate) which causes itching in parts of the human body, especially for people who have sensitive skin," said Deden to detikcom.
5. Spider Plant

Spider plant is a type of hanging ornamental plant. Plants with another name Chlorophytum sp can grow in low light so it's easy to care for them. Spider plant has a characteristic green and white stripe motif so it will look attractive in the room. And ornamental plants, including types of plants that can suck up toxins such as carbon monoxide.
6. Calathea

Calathea or Kalatea is an ornamental plant originating from the United States. This ornamental plant with its characteristic striped leaves is a type of plant that does not need a lot of sunlight. Calathea plants that require medium or even dim light. This plant is also non-toxic so it is safe to place in the house.
7. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreens including types of indoor ornamental plants. This plant with another name Aglaonema sp can be placed in a dark corner of the room so that it can give color to the area. The distinctive feature of this plant is its colorful leaves or red and pink. The Chinese Evergreens plant has benefits as an air purifying plant.
Those are the types of ornamental plants that don't need a lot of sunlight. Do you already have any of the various types of ornamental plants above
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