7 ~ Health Tips | Health is wealth |

If someone asks us what we want, we will all definitely say health and happiness. But the power to obtain them lies not only in destiny, but also in our daily actions.
You wake up one day that you are in front of the mirror and that you no longer recognize yourself. The pants are too tight, the circles are present and you have gray hair. You feel tired or stressed and realize that you are going through the day with the help of coffee.
That glass of wine has become a habit and not a luxury. At the top of the list, a full night's sleep is something you dream of.
What happened when you got to this point? This point is your lifestyle. Priority is given to other things, and you are at the bottom of the list. Children, wife, husband, career, home are at the top of the list. What you need to do to bring yourself "closer to yourself" is to reevaluate your life, the purpose for which you live, to face your fear and to step into unknown territory.
With this simple analysis, you will discover that you have a new dream. That of changing your life, that of being happier, healthier and helping others do the same. Here are the steps I think you could take to move toward these changes!
Step 1. Sincerity is the best choice!
This step seems to be the hardest, but it is the most important. You must answer your question honestly! Are you happy? BE HONEST!
Step 2. Make a list and check it twice!
• To lose weight.
• Reduce stress..
• I want to have more fun.
Now that you have the list, check it twice and prioritize.
Step 3. Prioritization
The best way to prioritize is to analyze which of the 5 points on your list affects the others. It's a great way to find out what you need to do.
Step 4. Embrace fear! It's called courage!
You are about to make a change for the better. You may suffer a failure in what you set as your ultimate goal, but is it really a failure? Failure is obviously a consequence of an action. For example: you want to lose 15 kg in two months and you managed to "melt" only 8 kg. Is this a failure or is it the beginning of a change. You will never know if you do not have the courage to try!
Step 5. In places, be ready, start!
You need to take small steps and be rewarded for every success. Go out in the city to the restaurant, go to a movie, do a massage, in essence, do everything that makes you feel better. It works!
Step 6. You don't have to be perfect!
Perfection does not exist. Eliminate the pressure to try to be perfect. Accept the way you are and try to bring out the best in yourself. Yes, there is the best option for TA.
Step 7. Your reflection in the mirror looks like a happy person!
You look in the mirror and you see yourself: the same white hair, but the dark circles are gone, the clothes seem to be different, the confidence is seen on your face, you are happy. Every step reached is a piece of the domino to happiness and health. You deserve the reward of your perseverance! After everything you've done so far, you have to be proud of yourself.
Bonus: when you get involved in physical activities, they make you happier, say studies
According to a new study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the frequency and level of your physical activity have a direct effect on your happiness, as you feel it. This means that if you engage in more physical activity and spend more time on them (such as brisk walking, running, lifting weights, etc.), they could "increase" your level of happiness. The study found that people who engage in physical activity once a week are 1.4 times more likely to be happy compared to those who do no physical activity.
These figures are only valid for people who have a normal body weight. The researchers found that physical activity stimulates people's mental health in the same way that it reduces the negative traits of mental health (see conditions such as depression, anxiety, etc.).
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