15 ~ Ideas To Decorate Home Interiors
15 ~ Ideas to decorate home interiors

Target Good decorating ideas, ingenuity, creativity and good taste are essential to create comfortable environments with personality. These resources and tricks are very important to overcome small inconveniences and obtain great solutions in interior design.
Ideas to decorate with personality
Each person has preferences and the ideal is that no two houses are the same. There are decoration tricks or perhaps good tips to decorate depending on the characteristics of each room and the objectives set by each of us.
We have to differentiate between the different councils depending on the decoration of the different rooms. Today I will be sharing some of the low cost decoration ideas to decorate your home with little money.

Modern decoration ideas
We indicate original tips to get modern and current home decoration tips
The minimalist style does not have to be expensive and have to be all kinds of furniture
Ideas to decorate a living room
You can see our article dedicated to living rooms
living room decoration idea
Ideas to decorate bathrooms
The eternal forgotten we can also have bathrooms with their own style
ideas to decorate bathrooms.

Ideas to decorate bedroom
We have the possibility to be proud of the decoration of our bedroom

bedroom decoration ideas
Ideas to decorate a youth room
Everything must fit in the youth rooms
ideas to decorate youth rooms
Ideas for decorating walls
They may seem irrelevant but nothing is further from the truth; the importance of wall decoration

wall decoration ideas
I hope that all these options already exposed have helped us when making our interior decorations but also in this article we want to indicate the following tips because they seem very practical and useful.
Amazon table lamp

Lamps, in addition to lighting, are very important decorative objects.
Pay attention when choosing them.
We can apply them in the decoration of bedrooms and other rooms but, perhaps in the room that we show the greatest interest is in the decoration of the living room.
Ideas to decorate a living room
Regardless of the useful space in our living room, the usual thing is that it seems scarce and we always want to have a room larger than ours. That is why the tactics and tricks in decoration to generate greater space and at the same time provide comfort and beauty, are the most demanded
Below I offers you 15 decoration, organization and optimization tips accompanied by dozens of photos that inspire and help us in creating the most personalized and comfortable decoration of living rooms to rest, receive visits and spend our leisure time without forgetting harmony and elegance.
Current living room decoration

15 ~ Living room decoration ideas
1.- Less is more in decoration
small living room furniture
We can define it as the golden rule in decoration, we must put it into practice at all times, avoid overloading the rooms with too much furniture or accessories and we will achieve a lighter and more spacious decoration of environments. We will select the living room furniture for well-being respecting the essential and necessary free space:
- Sofas
- Armchairs
- Tables
- Chairs
- Puffs
- Tv furniture
- Furniture storage
- Auxiliary furniture
- Rugs
- Curtains
- Decoration objects
- Illumination
Distribute and place the furniture so that we avoid obstacles on the way, as they are also very unpleasant for the visual effect.
Lamps decoration living rooms
2.- Take all measures
It is one of the most common mistakes when buying "by eye": what in the store seemed small and appropriate, for our house it is huge and disproportionate.

If we do not want that to happen to us, we will have to write down all the measurements and even make a plan of the room including doors, windows, beams, pillars, etc. The idea to decorate without errors is to use technology; At present we have at our disposal free online decoration programs and computer applications that help us with the decoration project.
Living room walls ideas
3.- Decoration rooms with free space
ideas to decorate a living room

For this advice we will indicate what we must avoid and eliminate, then, to enjoy a cozy room with ambient e comfortable we need to have free spaces.
To do this, we will avoid having things that nobody uses, old-fashioned ornaments and trinkets, superfluous or too large auxiliary furniture and reloading of decorative objects.

Decorate cozy living room
4.- Small living room decoration style
When we have to decorate small living rooms, our advice is that we choose a personalized and simple decoration, for this we must base ourselves on the decoration styles:
- contemporary
- minimalist
- modern
These styles have simplicity and straight lines as common characteristics and give the feeling of more space creating a cleaner and more serene visual effect. We can also include a piece of furniture or other style accessories to add strength and uniqueness to the living room in our interior decoration.
Pillows decorate small living room
5.- The measurements of sofas
sofa ideas for living rooms
In the decoration of living rooms, we cannot argue that sofas are the protagonists among all living room furniture. But, one of the most frequent mistakes in living room decoration is buying sofas that are too big or too small for the space in the room.
We will measure the actual space and choose an appropriate sofa; A large sofa can ruin the harmony of the environment, but a sofa that is too small will prevent us from sitting comfortably with family and friends, creating a feeling of discomfort. Remember the option of the bean bag, pillows or cushions.
Puff idea to decorate
6.- Types of sofas in small living rooms

The ideal of a sofa is its useful space, so in the decoration of small living rooms we must avoid too ornate lines, it is preferable to place straight line sofas with smooth upholstery in neutral colors that integrate into the environment without highlighting too much .

Sofas trends

Armless sofas and chaise lounges that lighten the decor are ideal in small spaces. If we normally meet with many people and we need several seats, we recommend the use of stools, puffs or ottomans that take up little space and are easy to move.
7.- Chairs and armchairs for living rooms

Another alternative in the decoration of functional and modern living rooms in small houses is to do without the sofa and make a combination of furniture with comfortable armchairs that save space that we can use for other furniture. This option is usually applied by people who spend little time at home.
Armchairs in modern living rooms
The original armchairs or chairs are also very appropriate to combine with the sofa, they can be placed in pairs or only one, the same or different. We recommend this option as a substitute for 3 + 2 sofas, which we do not consider practical.
8.- Light furniture
Opting for raised furniture, that is to say, that exposes the floor will create an effect of greater amplitude. Therefore, the idea to decorate small spaces is to choose sofas and furniture with legs or hanging furniture. In addition, this option will add a sensation of voluptuousness so that the final decoration of the room will seem light and clean.
decorating ideas
If we want to enjoy a warm and fresh environment, our best decoration idea is the use of transparent accessories and furniture, open bookcases as they fulfill their function without recharging, almost disappearing and thus we will achieve the desired decoration.
9.- Coffee tables
This living room furniture is essential. But it is very important to choose the right size coffee table (not too big or not too small) as otherwise the effect can be devastating.
Coffee tables living rooms
The shape is not that important, choose the one you like best:
- Round coffee tables
- Square coffee tables
- Rectangular coffee tables
- Irregular coffee tables
- Cheap coffee tables

If we must take into account, as good ideas to decorate a small room, the choice of tables that do not load the environment. Therefore, glass tables or transparent tables, tables of any material on the condition that they are light tables.
We can also place some other object that serves as a table and that we have even recycled or made ourselves.
Types of coffee tables, designs, models, etc. there are countless on the market. Furniture stores in your area or large expansion have a large catalog with good prices.

Upholstered coffee tables
10.- Custom furniture
custom furniture decoration ideas

Standard living room furniture is always cheaper than custom furniture but, in many cases, ordering some furniture with special measures can be the solution to all our problems and in the end be a great investment.
In one way or another, let's not forget that when we want to create a decoration of comfortable, relaxing environments we will avoid recharging the room with large and heavy furniture in sight. A good decoration idea is to place furniture with little depth that saves space.
ideas for decorating living rooms
11.- Television in decoration
Many of us want a very large television, but the television set must be proportional to our living room if we do not want to fail with the environmental decoration and even harm our health.

The advice is to calculate the most appropriate television screen size, for this we follow a simple equation. For example, if we have 2 meters (200 cm: 5 = 40). In this case, the best idea to decorate our living room is to buy a television of approximately 40 inches.
Plasmas because of their thinness are ideal and our advice is to hang them on the wall or on a decorative panel, in this way they are integrated as if they were a painting.
12.- Order and hide the electrical cables
The golden rule for a nice decoration is to show all rooms clean and tidy. The cables of the electrical appliances should remain hidden, because having a tangle of bundled cables in view gives a great appearance of disorder, dirt and restlessness.

tv decoration ideas
In the decoration of living rooms, installing the TV on a decorative panel or frieze can help us to place all the hidden wiring behind. If not, we can hide them inside gutters.
13.- Recommended colors
The most appropriate colors in the decoration of small spaces are the palettes in light, pastel and neutral tones, as it has been shown that they add luminosity and therefore spaciousness.

It is advisable to avoid a maxing of dark colors that can cause overwhelming showing a closed and heavy environment. Although in interior decoration we can achieve great results if we know how to apply and combine different basic factors and make a black decoration a success or be the envy of all with a red room.
14.- Ambient lighting
All the different rooms of a house decorated in any style, regardless of the budget assigned to them, need good ambient lighting to be a success.

decorate cozy living room
On the one hand, we will take advantage of natural light and sift it with the help of curtains, blinds, blinds ... and on the other, the placement of light points strategically and the use of different devices such as lamps, wall lights, recessed spotlights, indirect lighting , etc. will be essential.
curtains idea for decoration

We will take advantage of the lamps so that they fulfill their function of lighting and also decorating. We can get some exclusive lamps: designer lamps or recycled lamps to give the personal touch to our interior decoration.

15.- Decoration accessories and ornaments
In decorating ideas, ornaments, objects and accessories are essential. They provide personality and in many cases they have great sentimental importance but, although all the types are valid, we reiterate we cannot abuse the quantity.

Our advice for decorating small rooms is to use metallic details, along with mirrors and glass. They help to extend the visual effect and add sophistication and elegance.
Furniture with metal legs or edges, frames, lamps or some decorative object are a good idea.
ornaments accessories decoration ideas
Although our goal is to give some proven decoration guidelines with spectacular results, we want to encourage you to follow your intuition and creativity.
Photo gallery of ideas to decorate living rooms
decorate open bookcases

white and green rooms

ideas to decorate comfortable living rooms

wall decoration ideas

wall covering decoration

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- Ideas to decorate bedrooms
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- Ideas to decorate a living room
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